Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile

Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile

Alejandro Selkirk Island, previously known as Más Afuera, is situated 180 km west of Robinson Crusoe Island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. The island is densely wooded and mountainous, featuring stunning coastal cliffs up to 1,000 m high and sandy strips of beaches. Home to unique species like the Masafuera rayadito and Juan Fernández fur seal, the island offers exceptional biodiversity. Tourists can enjoy hiking to the highest peak, Cerro de Los Inocentes, standing at 1,268 m, or explore the former penal colony buildings at Quebrada Las Casas. Anchorage is available for visitors to enjoy the island's subtropical climate, ranging from 3°C to 34°C, and experience its rich flora and fauna, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts.


City: Valparaíso

Region: Valparaíso Region

Country: Chile

Coordinates: 33.7511° S, 80.7833° W

Port Information

  • Common Name: Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile
  • Popularity: 5
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024