Fort San Lorenzo

Fort San Lorenzo, Panama

Fort San Lorenzo, once the chief Atlantic port on the isthmus of Panama, is now an abandoned village with ruins dating back to the 1750s. The fort's history dates to the 16th century, built by Spain to protect the entrance of the Chagres River. Visitors can explore the fortress, walk along the cliff overseeing the harbor, and learn about the pirate attacks it endured. Nearby attractions include the Chagres River, the San Lorenzo Protected Area, and the town of Nuevo Chagres. The area is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offering a glimpse into Panama's colonial past.


City: Chagres

Region: Colón

Country: Panama

Coordinates: 9.32222° N, 80.00278° W

Port Information

  • Common Name: Fort San Lorenzo, Panama
  • Popularity: 4
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024