Mamoudzou, Mayotte, Comoros Islands

Mayotte, Comoros Islands

Mamoudzou, located in the region of Mayotte in the Comoros Islands, offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences. Visitors can embark on a challenging hike to the summit of Mont Choungui for a breathtaking panoramic view of the island. The island is home to Makis in remote areas and offers amazing diving opportunities in the world's largest lagoon. During August and September, witness the majestic sight of humpback whales with their calves in the lagoon. Relax on the southern beaches where sea turtles often come to roost. Local cuisine includes the 'Djak,' a large green fruit with a flavor similar to lychee. While exploring, respect the local customs by dressing modestly and being mindful of cultural norms. Mamoudzou is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking adventure and natural wonders.


City: Mamoudzou

Region: Mayotte

Country: Comoros

Coordinates: 12.7806° S, 45.2279° E

Port Information

  • Common Name: Mayotte, Comoros Islands
  • Popularity: 23
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024