Porto Santo Stefano

Porto Santo Stefano, Italy

Porto Santo Stefano, Italy, located in the municipality of Monte Argentario, Tuscany, is a charming seaport town with a rich history and stunning natural beauty. Situated on the northwestern promontory of Monte Argentario, it offers breathtaking views of the coast. The town is known for its Spanish Fortress, which now hosts exhibitions like 'Submerged Memories' and 'Maestri d’Ascia.' Visitors can explore the old and new ports, indulge in water sports like surfing and diving, or relax on picturesque beaches like Cala del Gesso and Cala Piccola. Don't miss the annual Palio Marinaro, a rowing regatta steeped in tradition. For a cultural experience, visit the Convento dei Frati Passionisti, a beautiful sanctuary built in the 18th century. Porto Santo Stefano is the perfect destination for those seeking history, nature, and maritime adventures.


City: Monte Argentario

Region: Tuscany

Country: Italy

Coordinates: 42.43528°N, 11.11750°E

Port Information

  • Common Name: Porto Santo Stefano, Italy
  • Popularity: 52
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024