Puerto Williams

Puerto Williams, Chile

Puerto Williams, the southernmost town of Chile, is a unique and picturesque destination with a population of less than 2,500 residents. As the capital of the Chilean Antarctic Province, it serves as a naval base and gateway to Antarctica. Activities in Puerto Williams include sailing, kayaking, and hiking amidst its mountainous terrain. Must-visit attractions include the Martín Gusinde Anthropological Museum showcasing the indigenous Yamana and Selknam cultures, and the Omora Ethnobotanical Park offering scenic hiking trails and sub-Antarctic landscapes. For panoramic views, take a hike to the La Virgen cascade which overlooks the Beagle Channel and Dientes de Navarino mountain range.


City: Puerto Williams

Region: Magallanes y Antártica Chilena

Country: Chile

Coordinates: 54.933° S, 67.617° W

Port Information

  • Common Name: Puerto Williams, Chile
  • Popularity: 6
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024