Rabida Island

Rabida, Galapagos

Rabida Island, also known as Jervis Island, is one of the most geographically diverse islands in the Galapagos archipelago. Its strikingly red sandy beaches and cliffs provide a picturesque setting for exploring the vibrant marine and bird life in the area. Pelicans, sea lions, blue-footed boobies, and Nazca boobies can be easily sighted from the shore. This island offers excellent opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and observing marine species like white tipped sharks, rays, sea lions, and Galapagos penguins. A short 45-minute trail offers visitors the chance to witness the unique landscapes and diverse wildlife. The island is also famous for its resident colony of Galapagos sea lions, flamingos, Darwin's finches, pelicans, marine iguanas, and lava lizards. On Rabida Island, visitors can marvel at the stunning red hue of the beach, a result of iron-rich volcanic activity. The island's history, conservation efforts, and remarkable geology make it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts.


City: None

Region: Galapagos

Country: Ecuador

Coordinates: 0.4333° S, 90.7729° W

Port Information

  • Common Name: Rabida, Galapagos
  • Popularity: 144
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024