Port Savusavu, Fiji

Savusavu, Fiji

Savusavu is a charming port town located on Vanua Levu Island, part of Fiji's Northern Division. With a population of around 3,500, this picturesque town is nestled between green hills and Namaka Creek, offering a natural and lush paradise for visitors. Savusavu is best known for its geothermal hot springs, where tourists can witness steam rising from the foreshore during low tide. The town features the iconic Copra Shed Marina, home to the Savusavu Yacht Club and various amenities. Popular attractions include the Jean Michel Cousteau Resort, Namale Resort, and Daku Resort, offering luxurious accommodations for travelers. Visitors can also enjoy birdwatching tours to spot the rare silktail bird, unique to Vanua Levu Island. For outdoor enthusiasts, Savusavu offers activities like scuba diving, sailing trips, sport fishing, cultural tours, and snorkeling. Don't miss out on exploring the local markets, restaurants, and the historic Savarekareka Mission during your stay in Savusavu.


City: Savusavu

Region: Northern Division

Country: Fiji

Coordinates: 16.7833° S, 179.3170° E

Port Information

  • Common Name: Savusavu, Fiji
  • Popularity: 15
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024