Shiant Islands, Scotland United Kingdom

Shiant Islands, Scotland United Kingdom

The Shiant Islands, part of the beautiful Outer Hebrides archipelago, are a group of enchanting and privately owned islands located in the Minch, east of Harris in Scotland. The main islands include Garbh Eilean, Eilean an Taighe, and Eilean Mhuire, each offering unique landscapes and geological formations. Visitors can marvel at the towering dolerite columns on Garbh Eilean and explore the fertile Eilean Mhuire. The islands are a haven for seabirds, with puffins, guillemots, and razorbills breeding in abundance. Explore the rich history of the islands, once home to only eight people and owned by notable figures like Compton MacKenzie and Nigel Nicolson. Discover the diverse marine wildlife surrounding the islands, including grey seals, fin whales, and basking sharks. Experience the natural beauty and serene atmosphere of the Shiant Islands.


City: Harris

Region: Outer Hebrides

Country: Scotland

Coordinates: 57.8990° N, 6.3641° W

Port Information

  • Common Name: Shiant Islands, Scotland United Kingdom
  • Popularity: 4
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024