Shimokamagari Port

Shimokamagari, Japan

Shimokamagari, located in the Hiroshima Prefecture, is a picturesque port town with rich historical significance. Connected by bridges to Honshu and other islands, it offers a blend of old-world charm and modern tranquility. Explore the vibrant streets, ancient temples, and traditional wooden buildings. Visit the Shotoen Garden and Museums to learn about Edo period mariners and Korean envoys. Enjoy sandy beaches on neighboring islands and experience harvesting salt the traditional way. Shimokamagari is a perfect destination for cultural immersion and relaxation.


City: Kure

Region: Hiroshima Prefecture

Country: Japan

Coordinates: null

Port Information

  • Common Name: Shimokamagari, Japan
  • Popularity: 3
  • Last Updated: 2/13/2024